Stewart Martin Equipment

Nestled in Okmulgee County since 1929, Stewart Martin Kubota has proudly served the community as a family-owned business and cornerstone for local customers. Over the years, they have built a reputation for excellent customer service while making a commitment to provide equipment to local farmers and contractors. In 2008, Stewart Martin transitioned to new ownership under Joey and Jackie Newton and expanded to include three additional locations in Bixby, Broken Arrow and Muskogee. In addition to sales and service, their equipment rental department takes extra care to keep their items well-maintained. Most of the equipment they sell at auction is rental equipment that has been worked daily, yet remains reliable with regular maintenance. "We're excited for this to be a pretty normal thing from here going forward. We're proud to use Purple Wave to help sell our rental equipment," said Alex Robles with Stewart Martin Kubota.

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---   2/12/2011

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